He also gave everyone voice recorders to prove peoples' betrayal and earn the accuser more points. He also took everyone's cards, and issued them out only when needed. This alone allowed him to have a nearly perfect dominion over the Northern Country. However, this was mostly flawed in that he would consistently tell them that they were fourth place no matter where they actually were not too low to give up all hope, but not too high to stop obeying him. Yokoya started his assault in the Third Round by engaging his teammates in a "point system", in which acts of obedience would net more points, and acts of disobedience would lose points. However, he saved a man named Nakadate and even gave him 200 Million Yen, giving the others a false idea that if they were loyal enough to Yokoya, they too could be saved.

By the end, he was hundreds of millions of yen above the rest, each being 200 Million Yen in debt. His family was always extremely rich, as is shown by how he was able to give away ¥100,000 or more even in those days.Īfter taking the place of a player named Watanabe, Yokoya was able to pass the Revival Round with relative ease, his strategy involving bribing the other players out of their votes, then forcing them to buy the votes back at much higher prices. Yokoya was a fearsome competitor even in those days, managing to gain a complete dictatorship over his High School, developing a class system that would give people just enough hope of moving up in it to continue obeying him. Most of what is shown of Yokoya's past comes from Kikuzawa Takahiro's telling of their days in school. He also has the distinction of being the only one able to make Akiyama cry in anguish. This is because he wants revenge for Akiyama's destroying his family's corporation, which is what landed Akiyama in jail in the first place. It is also added that the reason Nao found out about Akiyama is because Yokoya asked Tanimura Mitsuo to make sure he got in the game. He does have the added habit of taking a pinch of snuff in place of having a pet mouse, however. In the Drama, Yokoya is a flamboyant, white-haired individual, but most of his character quirks remain the same. Despite all his flaws, Yokoya is an extreme threat to Akiyama, though he may just meet his match with Harimoto Takashi. While his disdain for Akiyama is unmatched by any other character, even greater still is his vendetta against Kanzaki Nao, whose overly honest attitude and decision that everyone should get out of the game without debts enrages him, since he feels that the way his life has been playing out is directly opposed by Nao's existence. This is embodied in his carrying of two pet mice during the events of the third round a tangible display of his obsession with domination and his sadistic flair, as if he is metaphorically playing with his food. In the Manga, Yokoya appears as a short, dark-haired japanese man with extremely squinty eyes that give him a rat-like appearance.